Monday, September 08, 2008

Here are some websites that I am a member of and that I am crazy about: these are AWESOME!

1. great site where you write a postcard to anyone in the world and receive one back from a random person. The more you send, the more you get! I am absolutely addicted to this site, because it's great, and all it costs is postage.

2. another site, where you swap book with people. Get rid of books you don't want, and swap them with books that other people have that you desire. I have gotten some great prizes this way. Again, all you pay is shipping.

3. this site has everything handmade, from jewelry to household and pet items and beyond. Myself, I have handmade jewelry on here, some paper goods, some of my books, and little bits and pieces of handmade treasures. Check me out on

4. a site where you can swap anything for anything, from books to electronics. You make an offer to another swapper, and they either take it or reject it. Bartering is a welcome activity on that site!

This is my list of great sites for the month. Besides, these will keep you busy longer than Ebay!