Tuesday, November 14, 2006

So, this is me with Deepak Chopra. I love his books, they're amazing. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 06, 2006

Hey and hello! Caroline here!
I haven't been on this blog for ages! Oh well, busy happens and busy I have been. Besides publishing a few more articles on www.shebytches.com as usual, I have been preoccupied in other areas.

Recently, to my absolute delight, I won a pirate writing contest. One author was creating a buzz about his new book out "Vampirates" and held a contest. Participants had to describe what "a vampirate captain or other member of the crew might look like, and what they do." Each of the three winners got a copy of his new book "Vampirates", and I was one of them. Even though the book is really for children, it is a great read and I fully recommned you look it up. Can't remember the name of the author, though, so the title should be enough. You can imagine that I let my imagination run wild with that entry! For more pirate contests and a pirate newsletter, sign up at www.cindyvallar.com.

Also, on a fun note, pics of my pets got published in a small local pet magazine called City and Country Pets (www.ccpets.com). If you are from the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex area, you can pick up a copy in any local pet store like Petco or Petsmart, or look up the above-mentioned site. I am gonna post my babies' pics here anyway for all to see later.

What else? Those of you who know Deepak Chopra and his wonderful books (I own Seven Spiritual Laws of Success) would be happy to know that I went to Dallas for his booksigning a few weeks ago. Despite the throngs of people I managed to get my book signed AND took a photo with him as well, thanks to promptness on my spouse's part. Pic will be posted shortly. Check out www.choprablog.com for those of you who are interested in his writings.

Yes, my first book, Anika and the Magic Top, will be published soon, so watch this space. I am still working on the layout and design, some blurbs on the back, and other stuff. Will keep you posted on that, but the sheduled out date should be around March 07, like I said before. A lot of work still remains.

So that's it for now. Pics follow tomorrow.