Friday, October 07, 2005

Hello writers! Here it is, the second day of my brand-new blog. Let's talk about this thing called writer's block (I'm rhyming, hee hee). Does it exist? Or does it?

In my opinion, writer's block really does not exist. Usually, what we call writer's block is usually anxiety, created from the enormity of the task ahead of you, or perhaps from the looming deadlines on articles and/or book proposals that are due. Lot of the times when I cannot make myself write, it's usually the first or the second of the above.

How do you beat this beast that keeps you from writing? Lot of times, I turn to writing exercises. There are no deadlines on exercises, and following the given guidelines usually helps me open up and later work on the projects that need to be worked on. I recommned about 10 minutes of any given writing exercise when you have a "writer's block."

One good book I can recommend is Leslea Newman's Writing From the Heart. It contains exercises of many types, related to observation, description, action, character development and many other things. I welcome your comments on this topic!


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